[Rumori] Yawriats Ot Nevaeh

Jon Leidecker wobbly at detritus.net
Wed Jan 18 23:34:53 PST 2006

hey Kenneth

nice post:  http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/01/del_nileppez.html

I didn't tell Tom about forwarding this to Rumori -- he just walked up
shortly after lunch with a shocked expression on his face (we work in the
same building) and said 'they're playing it on WFMU'.  But he's happy it's
getting out there.  He's a little worried about a lawsuit, but in the
current climate I don't think he has to worry -- though it should be made
clear that he had nothing to do with its distribution.

There are two files in the project -- I YSI'd the second version to the
comments of the wfmu post, along with a screen shot of Tom's session.
Anyone's free to share.  666 regions confirmed, seperating 328 measures in
the song.  He only noticed what was happening towards the very end.  It
took the combination of the song and the inherent evil lurking in every
copy of pro tools to bring out the beast.  I like that the 666th region
consists only of the words 'To Heaven'.

Yes, he did it manually, it's actually easier than repairing glitches and
tempo shifts & it doesn't take that long with the software actually

Peter Lopez -- you're a Noise Board lurker, aren't you


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